Friday, November 9, 2007

It's as though we've played this game before...

but I've forgotten all of the codes. Well, perhaps we'll just have to write a new game guide, neh?

You'll have to forgive me a few occasional digressions, life has been a bit insane recently. Got new job at a coffee shop, lost said job in the middle of being trained for a supervisory role, decided to open my own coffee shop, et al.

Thusly, blogging has been lower on the totem pole than I would like. So be it.

Thought for the day: Ignorance is bliss, but only to the ignorant.

Song of the day: Half the Man I Used to Be, by Stone Temple Pilots.

Sexual Position of the day: Inverse Italian Chandelier

~~Because I Can

Saturday, September 15, 2007

When one is at their darkest hour.

Have you ever imagined a world where you where someone. Have you ever done something no one can explain. Have you ever lost your mind? Have you ever been so detached from the world that you could see yourself die just to see why you live. When was the last time you sat down and thought that you are wasting your time, just to realize that its all just a waste time, this is all their is. Well this is it. All you can do is enjoy it before its all gone again. If you dont enjoy it, you will jus wonder why you are still alive.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The world!

dear reader it has been a while since i indulged your eyes with my sweet writing. I have a question the question its self is something powerfull and please feel as good as you want there is only scum out there anyway. So the question is this: imagine yourself in a position of hate, yet before the hate consumes you, you find an answer to your pain, but not just an answer you find a key to yourself and you soon relies that this key opens the minds of others to your beliefs and that soon they follow you in your means. Now the question is, you have the power to enslave the world, what will you do. Take a couple of days to let that brew in your mind and tell us what you come up with. Also imagine what someone else would have done or already has. Imagine people out there with a key like that right now, what would they do, I for example would do nothing, maybe write a blog entry about it or something.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


So I've decided that most people don't read enough. I don't just mean, "Oh noes, the literacy level in America is falling, and adults are reading at a 3rd grade level, and everyone is spending more time trying to spell 'porno' in their search engine than then they are investigating world-changing events in the news!", I mean that people have begun the slow and horrifying process of rejecting information.

Plain and simple, most humans today do NOT want to know anything, PERIOD. They'd rather be told the summary, informed of the results, or just plain skipped over when it comes to educating themselves about virtually anything important. Even things they enjoy (or claim to enjoy) have become too difficult to learn about.

And so they sit, hour upon hour, in front of their mindless entertainment, degenerating into a uninspired sack of sod. If anything, THIS is why problems do not get fixed in this, and many other countries. Not bad economy, not corrupt politicians, not natural disasters, but the sheer lack of desire to better oneself. It looks like, after all these years out of the trees, we've actually managed to lose the one thing that helped us become the dominant life form on the planet: the competitive drive.

So the question I pose to you, dear reader, is this: What, if anything, can be done to re-start our will to dominate?

Think long, and think hard. The answer, if there is one at this late stage of the game, will not come easy.

~~Always, and Never

Sunday, April 1, 2007

What is your role model?

Is there some one in your life that you look up to, that you follow. Do you think its ok to follow evil? What if that evil is a better of a human than some one good? I look up Hannibal, gentleman, genious, cannibal... of course I would not eat people. I think having a role model in life is important, because its a short life and sometimes we have to think of our selves in a different perspective. who do you follow?

there should be a pudding option on refrigerators, where the water and ice comes out.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

And in this corner....

As Shinigami mentioned, there is more than one poster to this blog, myself being a part of that group. This blog will hopefully offer some insights into the human condition, probably a fair amount of criticism towards society and it's groups, and maybe even a little hope for the future. Watch closely for that though, cause you might miss it....

Good night, and good luck.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

About this Blog

Life is a funny thing, in that we spend so much time trying to simplify things so much that it makes everything just complicated. We work toward true simplicity. In this simple blog you will find the knowledge we hope, to become as happy and efficient a human as you can be. We here enjoy humor, and appreciate criticism, whether positive or not. This being the first post, let me warn you, we are not professionals, only humans with some insight.